"To admit Puerto Rico as the State 51 as certified in the 2012 Status Plebiscite"...Puerto rico as a State 51 the people

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"To admit Puerto Rico as the State 51 as certified in the 2012 Status Plebiscite"...Puerto rico as a State 51 the people
"To admit Puerto Rico as the State 51 as certified in the 2012 Status Plebiscite"...Puerto rico as a State 51 the people of Puerto Rico adopted November 6, 2012 by absolute mayority of votes

that is asmita Puerto rico State 51 as the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, the Congress of the United States and Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi

The people of Puerto Rico approved November 6, 2012 by absolute mayority of votes may not continue with the current colonial territorial status and to supermayority of votes that statehood should be the political status chosen to achieve its own full sovereignty as a State of the Union.firmen aqui https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/admit-puerto-rico-state-51-certified-2012-status-plebiscitepuerto-rico-state-51-people/R8CbCR7W

Publicado por Hector W Loen
3 de mayo de 2014
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